Why should you get a private guitar teacher?

The guitar is one of the most iconic instruments of all time. From ballads, pop, blues to hard rock, most of our favorite songs were played on that beautiful instrument. It's no surprise that everyone wants to learn how to play it.

Whether you want to look cool at a party, pursue your music career, or love sweet sounds, learning how to play takes time and effort.

Electric and acoustic guitar and bass students with teacher.

Bill Sickles with students after performance.

While you can watch videos online, buy CDs, or read books, many will discover that learning on their own can be frustrating. A common problem is not having a clear direction of how and what to learn. Another challenge you may face is inconsistency.

 On the bright side, there is a tried and tested way to master the guitar or other instruments, and that is hiring a guitar teacher. In this article, we will look at the benefits of hiring an experienced guitar teacher to help you achieve your goals.

Customized lessons

When it comes to learning how to play a stringed instrument, learners have different requirements- meaning that the same training or tutoring program won't work for everyone. There are many elements to learning how to play the guitar, from proper hand placement, strumming, picking, fingering, etc. You may not be able to master these forms (or take a long time to do so) while learning independently. An experienced guitar teacher knows how to create a personalized learning plan that caters to your unique needs and requirements.

 Most learners learn haphazardly- They go online, find their favorite songs, and start trying to learn them without understanding the fundamentals first. A professional guitarist will teach you how to read a variety of written notation, rhythm and counting, strumming and fingering techniques, chord progressions, etc.

You have a deeper understanding of music theory and fundamentals when you learn with an experienced guitar instructor.

Beyond teaching the fundamentals, the teacher provides a more comprehensive learning experience. He or she will answer all your pressing questions and provide an in-depth explanation of areas of confusion.


 One of the add-on benefits of hiring a private guitar instructor is that you learn much faster. Online courses and other materials you use or buy may be filled with fluff, and you may spend considerable time on them. As mentioned above, your private instructor will guide you and enable you to focus on the crucial aspects of learning and improving your skills.

Consistency and Accountability

Another reason you should hire a professional guitar instructor and guarantee success is consistency. Let's face it, many of us are not consistent with our plans and routines. It is much easier to lay in bed scrolling through social media than to practice every day. With a private guitar instructor, you eliminate all these problems. Your instructor will guide and motivate you to learn at a pace that is comfortable for you.

Last but not least is accountability. Having a regularly scheduled lesson each week will encourage you to practice so that you are prepared for each lesson. The money spent may also act as a motivation for you to do your best.